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  • thecookincamper

Are Plant Questions Googleable?

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Hey there, I'm Luke The Cookin' Camper, and if you've read any of Zena and I's other blog posts you probably already know that these posts really pose the question to you. I don't know the answers to all of my questions, just as I'd assume neither does anyone else on this earth. I hope you enjoy reading this, however, and maybe you can add this question to your list of topics that are constantly swirling around in your brain. I want to talk about two videos today, and both of them plant themed.

First off I'd like to talk about our, "5 Heat Loving Plants For Zone 9B" video. I absolutely love this thumbnail! This summer has been a little bit, quite a bit, too hot for comfort, and my plants have been feeling it.

This video focused on the plants that have been doing fabulously however. If you click that shiny red play button you'd hear me "brag" about the growing stamina of prickly pear cacti, pomegranate trees, bougainvillea, my dwarf mulberry tree, and Zena's "poop tree", better known as a lemon tree. I ultimately believe that God has crafted the first plants that graced this earth, and those have started the evolutionary design of all plants that came after. I pray about my plants almost on a daily basis, praying to God for help and knowledge in keeping them alive. I know that God is the true knowledge giver, but I still Google things to see what I should do about certain plants in certain situations. I really thought that this topic would be one that other people in zone 9b would want to hear about so that is why I made the video. I really liked the way it turned out, and I really like the way I filmed. This was kind of a new technique for me staying in one shot talking the entire time while have b-roll come in and out all around and sometimes on top of me. I hope you guys liked it however, and I hope someday I learn the answer to my question.

I'm not done thinking about this question for the day however! I want to keep thinking about it so I am going to keep writing this post!

This next video is all about the opposite plants that we discussed in the first video. Full disclosure, this video contains paid promotion, and you should definitely check out the sponsor of the video! "#zone9b #morkie #ficus

#Godsgreenearth#Godscreations#Godsplan#thecookincamper#zenatheglampercamper#cutedog#morkie#zone9b#lucyandco#plantlifecycle#plantlife#desertgarden#desertgardening#aloevera#cactus#cacti#ficus Promo Code: THECOOKINCAMPER The promo code gets you 15% off of your total order! What plants are bad for Arizona summers? What plants don't like the summer heat? What plants don't like the summer sun? What plants don't like the Arizona summer? What plants don't like Arizona? What plants should I avoid in zone 9b? What plants should I avoid planting in full sun? What plants should I avoid planting in Arizona?" That was the whole description with the link to the sponsor that sells super cute dog accessories. The description includes questions, that as the title of this blog post inquires, are hopefully Googleable! I'm not sure though, hopefully they are, but maybe they aren't.

I want to sincerely thank anyone who has read this blog post, or any of our other blog posts! I really hope that you all have a fabulous and blessed day. Dear God, Zena and I want to pray over ourselves asking for wisdom on some of these YouTube topics so that we can, with the help of you, sustain life on this beautiful planet, but we also want to pray for our viewers and readers. Lord I want to pray that by seeing, hearing, or reading some of our content that they see, hear, or read the words God, Jesus loves us, Eclessiastes 9:7, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, etc. We pray that we can inspire others to dive into your word Lord. We pray this in your all knowing name, AMEN!


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