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  • thecookincamper

God TEMU & Super Cheap Groceries From Martie

Dear God thank you so much for the opportunities and the blessings that you've bestowed on Zena and I's family, AMEN! Today I want to talk about two videos, both of which are "promoted" videos. I have a TEMU video that is all about God's love, and it showcases two packs of stickers I got from the TEMU influencer program. The second video was crafted for the Martie brand. Martie is a woman-owned, crazy cheap, online grocery store that sells everything from water bottles to shampoo to white rice. Their inventory is constantly shifting though, so if you see something you want snatch it up right away!

Let's talk about Martie first! Well actually maybe we should talk about TEMU first because God should constantly be the focus of my life, and since the TEMU video is all about God's love that one should go first. I really struggled with this whole dilemma and actually ended up posting the Martie video first. I thought that posting a video showing people how to save some of the money that the Lord has blessed them with during this hard time was a good idea, and I don't regret posting it first. I have been wondering, "What if I posted the TEMU one first", but I get over these thoughts pretty fast. Here's the Martie video.

Martie is a fabulous app and website where you can purchase severely discounted foods and home goods. They have killer customer service and sell some very fun and exciting products. If you want to check them out you can click on any bold Martie text. You can use the promo code THECOOKINCAMPER for a special discount. This discount is limited I think so it may, or may not give you an additional discount. The groceries are super cheap already, however! I cannot wait to make more purchases! If inflation is hitting you and your family's grocery bill then you definitely need to check out Martie!

So I'm glad that I posted the Martie video first. Luke 16 verses 9-11 say, “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. ‘Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?’” Deuteronomy 15 verses 9 and 10 say, “Be careful not to harbor this wicked thought: ‘The seventh year, the year for canceling debts, is near,’ so that you do not show ill will toward the needy among your fellow Israelites and give them nothing… Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” These two verses speak the truth, to me at least, that our money comes from God. I God these verses from this blog . You should check them out if you find the time during your day! The blog I got these verses from obviously god the verses from the bible, and I love reading the bible. I think that this video could help to steward God's money in a way that gets God's children the food they need to survive while allowing some money to be spent on other things. Shopping on Martie can save you money, and in turn you can give or spend the extra money on something or someone else. And if you have at least ten bucks extra you can shop at TEMU.

The reason I say 10 dollars is because I'm pretty sure TEMU has a 10 dollar order minimum, or at least they did when I first discovered them. The TEMU video I filmed is actually getting or has gotten, depending on when you're reading this, posted on September 28th 2023. It is set up as a premiere however so that people could see the thumbnail in advance.

By the way I am still new to blogging, and in my past posts I've been able to customize the size of these videos so that viewers could see the whole thumbnail, but I can't seem to do that this time! This video thumbnail is beautiful, and I'm really happy with this video overall. The goal of this video is to share the fact that God loves everyone! I didn't want to wait to share this good news!

Well, actually, at first I did, and I guess you can consider me waiting now. I understand that waiting to play this as a premiere on a certain date and time could be waiting, BUT it is much less waiting than I wanted to at first. When I first got this video ready I wanted to wait to post it on November 1st 2023. I wanted to do this because, long story short, it would better benefit my TEMU influencer status if posted at a later date. I am appalled that I thought this at first, and while I believe that everything I do and think is on God's plan for me so even if I would've waited than clearly God wanted me to wait, I am so glad that I changed my mind about this though! I think that the message of Gods love shouldn't be held back. I believe that it should be screamed and shouted form the mountain tops! I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to receive the faith based stickers in this video, and I'm so happy with how this video turned out! If you want to shop at TEMU just click on any bold TEMU text! Use promo code get2440 for a discount for new app users!

I want to thank you if you've made it this far, or even if you just made it to this website. Even thought if you didn't make it all the way here you wouldn't be reading this, but that's ok. Zena an dI really appreciate the support, and can't wait to keep sharing videos and God's word with you. Get out and enjoy what God has given us, and get out and enjoy nature and food as much as we do!


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