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Does Blogging Improve YouTube Views?!?

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Hey there, I'm Luke The Cookin' Camper along with Zena The Glamper Camper! We love to make YouTube videos, and while it probably isn't a surprise, some videos do really well, and some videos kind of don't get any views at all. Over my couple of years of making YouTube videos I've tried doing a couple of different types of videos, and thumbnails, but I still can't quite perfect the reason why some videos do great and some videos don't do anything. Today I want to talk about a couple of videos that sadly didn't get many views at all, and I want to talk about these specific videos because I was and am surprised that these videos didn't seem to get much traction. I guess you could consider the topics to be controversial or strange, and that's part of the reason that I thought these videos would take off. I'm testing out the title of this blog today, will blogging about YouTube videos increase views? I don't know, and I hope we'll find out, but I'm not entirely sure if this little experiment will do anything, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try!

Now in no way am I going to say that Zena and I make perfect videos all the time, and I definitely have a lot of videos that I thought would do better than they did. Today I want to specifically talk about 5 videos that I really thought would take off. All of these videos contain topics that I thought would be very "searchable", "opinion commentable", and "shareable", but I proved to be incorrect.

You can find the first video I'd like to talk about here, . This video is titled, "I LOVE JESUS / TEMU - The Cookin’ Camper". I really thought that this video would take off. I am a strong believer in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and I love TEMU, obviously not more than Jesus Christ, however. And I just want you to think about TEMU for a while. I love TEMU, but a large chunk of the internet most certainly doesn't. The same with Jesus, God, and religion as a whole. One of the goals of my channel is to share the word and ideas of nondenominational Christianity with those who otherwise may have no talks or interactions relating to Christianity. I want to foster conversations and inspire people to dive into God's word even though a lot of people disagree with it. I thought that the combination of both of these topics would really blow up on the world wide web, but sadly, that never happened. Now we're going to see if talking about it on the internet will boost those views. Another thing to think about is that this video along with the other I want to talk about today have been public for quite a while so they definitely are not new.

One debate that is most definitely not new is whether being gay is a choice.

I'm not saying that I want to get into this debate, but at the same time, I kind of want to. You can check out the video in question here, . This is my first time writing a blog, so I'm not sure if links are commonplace, or if I'm supposed to have the actual video embedded. I guess Zena and I will find out. This last Pride Month Zena, Mr. Cameraman, and I were watching The Bottom Line with Dagen McDowell and Sean Duffy. I can't remember what exactly was said that irked me, but long story short they were complaining that companies like Target and PetSmart had Pride Month displays, and Dagen was super offended and seemingly terrified by these few and far-between displays. I mean when you look at the whole floor plan of a given store pride displays that I've seen are tiny, and the last one I saw at Target was kind of a dirty, not labeled, messy, disaster zone. I myself am brought joy by some of these products, and in this video, Zena and I visited a couple of stores in Surprise Arizona, and we purchased quite a haul of "pride-themed" items. When Dagen McDowell says that I shouldn't be allowed to do something or buy something it just makes me want to do or buy exactly that. At the time of posting, I was hearing a lot about this debate, but this video did not take off. We'll see if this blog post can do anything about that, but even if it doesn't I'll keep shopping "gay pride" displays!

The next place I discuss via YouTube video I'm not quite as sure about, however. I'm gonna be honest, Fry's is not my favorite grocery store, and this distain for the company has been even more exacerbated as of now because Fry's parent company Kroger, is trying to buy Alberstons Companies.

I don't want to get into it now, but the whole idea of this infuriates me. In my opinion, Safeway and other stores under Albertsons Companies are millions of times better than any Kroger grocery store brand I've shopped at. This video, , exposed how "not fresh" certain parts of Fry's grocery stores are, but the internet didn't seem to care. I most definitely do, but it appears more people love Fry's than those who would care that their shelves contain expired food items. Honestly, this probably happens at all grocery stores, but I legit went to the same section of multiple Fry's stores and almost everything I looked at was expired, some stuff by years!

This next video begs the question. Is this video expired? You can watch it here, . This video was filmed to share the FTC rules and regulations when it comes to unordered merchandise.

Long story short, I received a fancy wine glass hutch from Pottery Barn that at the time would've cost 547 dollars to get to my Arizona home including shipping. I didn't order this item, and I tried to return this item at first, and that most definitely didn't seem feasible. After exploring Google I found the FTC website, and man, does that website include some beautifully important information I really thought that a video on this topic would be helpful for the masses. I even included "Googleable" questions in the description of this video. The questions didn't seem to help to get this video any visibility. Here's the exact video description, "Can I keep something sent to me by mistake? The FTC says, "By law, companies can’t send unordered merchandise to you, then demand payment. That means you never have to pay for things you get but didn’t order. You also don’t have to return unordered merchandise. You’re legally entitled to keep it as a free gift. Sellers can send you merchandise that is clearly marked as a gift, free sample, or the like. And, charitable organizations can send you merchandise and ask for a contribution. You may keep such merchandise as a free gift. Sometimes, you might sign up for a free trial, only to discover that the company starts sending you products every month, and billing you. That might be a scam. Learn about free-trial scams and what to do if it happens to you." I love WIlliams Sonoma, and I have shopped a few times at Pottery Barn. I was flabbergasted when I received this huge item from Pottery Barn! I opened it up, and after some googling I realized I can keep this item! It makes a great addition to my kitchen dining room area! Check out this Pottery Barn Glass Door Hutch here, , along with some other beautiful pieces you can buy and place together! Honestly the $349.00 price tag shocked me at first, but after I've seen it in my house I can understand maybe, kinda, just maybe, possibly convincing yourself or myself to go into debt to purchase this just to make your unhealthy obsession with dinnerware visible to everyone that walks through the dining room! do i have to return something i didn't order What if I got something I didn’t order FTC unordered products policies AFTER TAX AND SHIPPING THIS Modular Bar, Glass Door Hutch, Black from Pottery Barn WOULD COST $547.62!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". I wanted to quote my description word for word, and now that I'm blogging this I see typos, but I don't want to fix them. This video will not show up in Google search results, and sometimes it doesn't even show up when you copy and paste the exact title into Google!

I really thought that Google would run with this next video also! Have you ever heard of pink sauce? Have you ever heard of "The Cookin' Camper Pink Sauce", . I don't think I even have to say why I thought this video would take off, and sadly the views capped at 78 views as of September 21st, 2023.

By the way Mr. Cameraman and I just celebrated our 6-year anniversary on the 13th of this month! Anyway, if you've made it this far I sincerely thank you, and cannot wait to see what this blog post will do, if anything, for these videos! Get out and enjoy what God has given us, and get out and enjoy nature and food as much as we do!


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